Connection or Disconnection: Our Choice in Ho'oponopono

"The rainbow is a sign from him who is in all things." ~ Hopi saying A physician colleague wrote this past week asking about Ho'oponopono , as he had come across this blog. He had also attended a recent Ho'oponopono training near his home. It was a blessing to hear from him. Although Ho'oponopono is a way for all people to make amends for our misperceptions about others and life itself, I feel this is especially important for those of us in healing professions. Not all are willing to consider these ideas, but I offer this blog from the part of me who is in all things. As far as healers go, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len often shares that as a psychologist he was trained to "help" other people. But in practice, this doesn't work. How many patients do my colleagues know, who are not "helped" by what we do in medicine? Is this not uncanny, when we are trying so hard? In Ho'oponopono, we are not really here to help others at all...