Ho'oponopono Cleaning: Which Tool For You?
Many people think that in order to do Ho'oponopono properly, we must direct our cleaning efforts towards particular problems that arise in our lives. Examples might be traffic jams, financial crises, health issues, or arguments with family members. I used to think this too. Thus, I wanted to know specifically how to "clean" with whatever problem was happening, when it was happening. What particular process or tool should be used for each? More importantly, I wanted to know exactly "what" I was cleaning with at any particular time -- in order to pick the right tool, of course. And if I was doing it well enough, the problem should clear up, right? :-) I must have thought my intellectual mind was in charge of things, even though I had many times read Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len's article, "Who's in Charge?" . From that article: "Memories replaying dictate what the Subconscious Mind experiences. The Subconscious Mind...