Ho'oponopono: From Old, Worn-out Suffering to Brand New Inspiration

"Behold, I make all things new. " ~Revelations 21:5 I don't usually quote the Bible in my blog, mostly because I'm not a biblical scholar. But when I saw the above view from my backyard the other evening, the verse suddenly popped into mind. That is, after the initial "WOW!" that surged through my soul. I had been struggling for many months with some family issues, cleaning with them through Ho'oponopono . Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len had even given me a particular tool for this, which I had been using. In between storms of anger, resentment, and worry, of course. :-) Had I been cleaning perfectly, there would have been no inner or outer struggle. Nor would I have been so flooded with the kinds of pain mentioned above. But I am human. This is both a limitation and gift, since it brings all kinds of opportunities to make things right. Ho'oponopono is all about "making things right," in fact. Ho'oponopono is a very practical method for allowi...