Ho'oponopono Blessings, from Alaska to You

I've just enjoyed a 1987 video of Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len conversing about Ho'oponopono, through Zerolag.biz . What a wonderful gift for a Thanksgiving weekend! Zerolag.biz is making this vintage 29-minute video ren table for $1.00, until Sunday evening 11/29/15. In it, Morrnah describes her familiarity with traditional Ho'oponopono, which translates from Hawaiian as "making things right." Morrnah shares that Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono is her own process, updated for modern times. She remarks that she knew this in previous lifetimes as well. Morrnah believed we all have MANY lifetimes, and that their memory traces come with us wherever we go. In fact, this residue is the root cause of all problems everywhere. The entire conversation is beautiful to me, as it encompasses the parts of the Self, our relationship with Divinity, healing, and health issues like diabetes, addiction, and schizophrenia. It was filmed in Alaska, and...