Ho'oponopono Blessings, from Alaska to You

I've just enjoyed a 1987 video of Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len conversing about Ho'oponopono, through Zerolag.biz. What a wonderful gift for a Thanksgiving weekend! Zerolag.biz is making this vintage 29-minute video rentable for $1.00, until Sunday evening 11/29/15.

In it, Morrnah describes her familiarity with traditional Ho'oponopono, which translates from Hawaiian as "making things right."  Morrnah shares that Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono is her own process, updated for modern times. She remarks that she knew this in previous lifetimes as well. Morrnah believed we all have MANY lifetimes, and that their memory traces come with us wherever we go. In fact, this residue is the root cause of all problems everywhere. 

The entire conversation is beautiful to me, as it encompasses the parts of the Self, our relationship with Divinity, healing, and health issues like diabetes, addiction, and schizophrenia. It was filmed in Alaska, and the moderator asks some very useful questions.

Both Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len emphasize that Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono is a way to work directly with Divinity ourselves -- rather than appealing to others who, after all, have not created us. 

Making sure all three parts of the self are well-connected is the first step, and Ho'oponopono seminars explain how to do this. This process aligns us with our Creator in ways no other human can accomplish -- which may be startling for some, and liberating for others. We can each appeal to the Divinity within for cleansing and healing, even when we don't consciously understand the myriad issues showing up in our lives.

For sure though, our Creator DOES know about them and their root causes.

Dr. Hew Len describes some of his experiences with criminally psychotic patients at Hawaii State Hospital. Though employed as a clinical psychologist for 4-5 years, he did no talk therapy with these patients. Instead, he used Ho'oponopono processes to clean with his own reactions to their behaviors and histories. When other clinicians called them "crazy," he also cleaned with his own judgments about this rather than speaking directly with the people involved.

He would ask the Divinity what he needed to do within himself in connection with each of these patients (and staff) so that Divinity could do His own work with them. This self-cleansing clears the way for Divinity to transmute all problems and symptoms -- which only Divinity can do, in His own time and rhythm.

This may be one of the most difficult aspects of Ho'oponopono for us to grasp. Both Morrnah and Dr. Hew Len mention that people come into our lives in the present, because of old memories or data from the past. This is equally true of our parents, spouses, children, siblings, patients, and anyone else in our lives.  When they arrive, it's an opportunity to let go of associated "stuff" within ourselves that might show up in any form including anger, hurt, judgment, physical symptoms, addictions, etc. We can ask Divinity to correct the errors we've unwittingly committed over time (all our shared previous lives!) that show up as these issues now.  As we practice Ho'oponopono cleaning with each of these situations, the associated pain and suffering (manifesting as "problems") gradually lessens.

Who knows how many layers we're dealing with though, or what level we're at in the process? Only our Divine Creator really knows -- and that's why we may think our Ho'oponopono isn't "working." No matter what appears to be happening on the outside, our best bet is to heal the relationship between the mother and child parts of ourselves on the inside. "That's the most important relationship in creation," says Dr. Hew Len.

As a doctor, one part I contemplate deeply is why certain patients come to me, and how their healing proceeds. In medicine, I'm trained that it's up to me to figure out what each person needs, and to apply my skills in helping them achieve that. This might include various talk therapies and/or medicines -- homeopathic, but still these are medicines. In Ho'oponopono, it's my task to get myself out of the way as much as possible so that the Creator can work with them. And that's why I clean before going into the office every morning, and as I leave each evening.  Hopefully, any care I provide is then more likely to come through Divine inspiration than through my own errors. :-)

I work towards similar repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation in my personal relationships too. 

If you'd like to see a brief part of the video, here's a link -- and no, it's not an "affiliate" one. :-)  

Morrnah Simeona and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D  in Alaska from www.Zerolag.biz on Vimeo.

Peace begins with me,


Unknown said…
Hello Pam,
Thank you for your blog. It is very helpful for me, I had my first SITH class just two weeks ago here in Italy, where I live. So I am new to Ho'oponopono and every help is much appreciated.
After reading your post I have a doubt: you write that you clean before going to your office and as you leave each evening. What do you mean with that? I thought the cleaning was a 24 hours process... Would you explain that to me?
Thank you, Raquel
Pam Pappas MD said…
Hello Raquel,
Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. I appreciate your question, too.

Yes, Ho'oponopono cleaning is a 24-hour process. Hopefully you're working with your Inner Child (Unihipili) so that s/he can continue cleaning all the time, even when you're asleep. Or having a Ho'oponopono book in the office so that the office learns to clean. I have my Self-I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono book with me on my desk when I'm working.

In what I wrote about cleaning before going into the office and when leaving, I meant specifically cleaning with each of the names of people in my schedule, etc and whatever appointments I might have. This is as I'm talking with my Inner Child in the morning, getting us both ready for the day. She knows when there's something else we need to clean with, so I ask her about that and we can do it. Same on the way home, after the day is done. It can be a simple process -- doesn't have to take a long time. Of course the ongoing cleaning is proceeding. These are just extra steps I do because people who come to see a doctor, have something for the doctor to clean with. We never know what it "really" is, so we just go ahead and clean. Divinity knows what to do, and what else to put in. :-)

Hope that clarifies a bit.

Peace begins with me,
Unknown said…
Hi Pam,
Thank you for your explanations! Yes, I am working with my Unihipili but I don't know yet if she is willing to do the cleaning by her own.
On the other side, I am not sure if I have understood what you mean for a "simple proc ess", as I told you, I am new practicing Ho'oponopono :-) But I will find out
Thank you!
Unknown said…
Hi Pam,
Thank you for your explanations! Yes, I am working with my Unihipili but I don't know yet if she is willing to do the cleaning by her own.
On the other side, I am not sure if I have understood what you mean for a "simple proc ess", as I told you, I am new practicing Ho'oponopono :-) But I will find out
Thank you!
Pam Pappas MD said…
Hello again Raquel,

If you had your first class a couple of weeks ago, you were introduced to many Ho'oponopono cleaning tools that can be used as inspired. These are "simple" to use, and simply thinking of one initiates the entire cleaning process. Thank you for your cleaning!

Peace begins with me,
Unknown said…
Dear Pam,

Thank you so much. Your blog is so helpful to me.
Warm regards,
Johannes Milia said…
Whenever I have to clean on something Big i write a list of thoughts, names, adresses etc. Then I turn the paper over and place a Ceeport Bookmark, glass of water or embracer on it to clean. Then I let it be there. Have u ever found yourself cleaning and then suddenly LOTS of stuff comes up like it doesnt stop makes you worried?
Pam Pappas MD said…
Aloha, Johannes --

Sure, lots of "stuff" will come up, since it's yearning to be free. :-) I clean with that and also my own emotions about it.

Peace begins with me,

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