Ho'oponopono or "Faux-o'ponopono"?

This is a very brief video conversation with Morrnah Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Lew Len. Morrnah passed into spirit in Germany, in 1992.

The sincerity in both of them comes through for me. Morrnah became known for "updating" the ancient Ho'oponopono process of correcting errors and making things right, for modern times. She termed her method "Self-I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono."

They speak of allowing Divinity to help each of us heal ourselves and our relationships through repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation -- the last of which, only Divinity can do. They point out that Divinity created us, not any other person. The traditional Ho'oponopono process involved an entire group of people, moderated by an elder who might make suggestions to dissipate family conflict. Here, Morrnah explains that her amendments rely on each person's bonding directly with Divinity, rather than relying on any other human to solve his or her problems. Further, she comments that she knew this process in "other lifetimes."

I am sure her teachings were and are controversial, as they diverge markedly from traditional Hawaiian Ho'oponopono practices where an elder (with prayer and deep listening) might determine what each person "should" do to heal family problems and relationship breaches.

Some have taken issue with certain phrases attributed to Morrnah, which may or may not have actually been part of her teaching ("I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you" etc). She taught an at least 12-step process to use, and it involved quite a bit of preparation. This is what I have been shown in the many Self-I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono seminars I have attended and helped staff with IZI, LLC over the years. Many of these, Dr. Hew Len taught himself -- and his teachings were handed down from Morrnah. I do not know where the tradition of "cleaning tools" originated, but this is what the 4 phrases (and some other items) represent. They are said to condense the "cleaning" process into shorter segments that can be used as needed in everyday life. They are also ways to engage one's inner child to help with the cleaning, 24/7.

The challenge with this, though, is that some call this "Faux-o'oponopono." They feel this "all inside the self, between you and Divinity" method leaves out the mutual, interactive Ho'oponopono practices successfully used for generations.

Even more disturbingly, many non-Hawaiian trainers have jumped on the bandwagon, proclaiming the 4 phrases as "all you need to know" about Ho'oponopono to work with it effectively. Some also suggest it can be used to enhance financial wealth.  

 To me, this seems to cheapen and truncate a very rich and deep self-healing process. Some have read about this "mantra" in Joe Vitale's book, "Zero Limits." Dr. Hew Len is listed as a co-author, but he has commented publicly about never having even read this book.

I have recently received comments from associates of Michael Micklei, who for 5 years worked closely with Morrnah Simeona in Germany. In fact, she lived with Michael and his wife for the last year of her life. Michael expresses dismay at purported, inappropriate changes in the training -- specifically "the mantra" which he says Morrnah never taught in all his experience with her.
I cannot claim to know what she was teaching at that time, which overlaps with the 10 years she also worked with Dr. Hew Len. I only learned about Ho'oponopono for the first time in 2005, and took my first trainings with Dr. Hew Len in 2006-7.

The whole situation is painful for me, and I wish the 2 organizations could discuss and resolve their differences directly. Perhaps this is a situation where having all involved parties in the same room together, might really be helpful? It seems the technology available today could make this possible.

Another reason it's painful for me, is that I don't
want to come across as attempting to co-opt something from another culture. For sure I don't want to  promulgate incorrect information about it! If I have somehow done any of this through this blog, I sincerely apologize.

Over many years now, the spiritual practice of Self-I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono (SITH) has become a guide in my life. It is definitely more than uttering a few phrases, and then waiting for my "order" to be filled. :-) Eons of memories are in every single one of us -- and can show up as relationship conflict, illness, life problems, etc. I have also read much about traditional Hawaiian culture, and heard from Kanaka Maoli (indigenous Hawaiians) who regard non-Hawaiian involvement in these practices as harmful, arrogant cultural misappropriations. It breaks my heart to find myself placed in that category. I am deeply respectful of the Hawaiians I have met -- and while curious about their perspectives, I do not mean to intrude into areas that belong to them alone.

Ultimately, the truth of these practices can only be verified through one's personal experience. Some of SITH for sure is Hawaiian; some may have evolved over time and has other origins. Morrnah herself was certainly Hawaiian, and so is Dr. Hew Len and many other participants I have met through my SITH seminars. I am told that Morrnah was and is a controversial figure though, so I guess this will continue to be a flash point in some circles. I know I cannot solve it myself. I can only live my life, respect the rights and feelings of others, and practice in a way that feels authentic to me. I have been through much in the last year -- more on that, later.

Peace begins with me,


Anonymous said…
Hi Pam,

thank you for this post. The people must be have correct information about Ho'oponopono, Morrnah Simeona, and about Morrnah's 14-step Ho'oponopono.

I really hope that Morrnah's original Ho'oponopono-process regains fame among the people.

Bevore i learned Morrnah's Ho'oponopono, i have practiced the Mantra with the 4 pharses over 1 year. It was wasted time.

I was very frustrated when I received the information that this mantra is not Ho'oponopono. I can only say, steer clear of this mantra and of Dr. Hew Lens cleaning tools! It is very important for me that all people get correct information about Morrnah Simeona, her teachings and about Morrnah's 14-step Ho'oponopono.

I have known Morrnah's Ho'oponopono for several years (since 2012). So many things in my life have changed positively trough Morrnah's Ho'oponopono.

I'm sure if you know Morrnah's Ho'oponopono, you will not practice the mantra again. Of course, everyone has to decide for themselves. But the people should be informed correctly about Ho'oponopono, Morrnah Simeona and Morrnah's Ho'oponopono. That is owed to the people. What Dr. Hew Len did is not fair in my opinion- And what his followers do today.

Pam, I can tell you, Morrnah's Ho'oponopono and Morrnah's original teachings is very interesting. Especially for someone who is interested in ho'oponopono. But where do you get the original teachings of Morrnah?
The original teachings are still exists today. But not everywhere. I can give you some links that I know. The websites are from people who were Morrnah's students and still teach Morrnah's Ho'oponopono today. This people work together with Pacifica Seminars in germany:


a correct biography about Morrnah:

An article by Anna Kligert about Morrnah's Ho'oponopono and her experiences with Morrnah's Ho'oponopono. She has been using Morrnah's Ho'oponopono for over 20 years:

Some articles about Morrnah Simeona and about Morrnah's Ho'oponopono.

and of course the website of Pacifica Seminars (www.pacificaseminars.de) ;-)

Be careful when searching for information about Morrnah Simeona and about her original Ho'oponopono on the Internet. Many websites have wrong information about Ho'oponopono and about Morrnah Simeona.

It is very sad that the teachings of Morrnah and her Ho'oponopono-process were falsified by Dr. Hew Len (or by another persons- i do not know exactly.).

The Peace of "I" be with you.

Patrice Coni
Anonymous said…
Hi Pam,

thank you for this post. The people must be have correct information about Ho'oponopono, Morrnah Simeona, and about Morrnah's 14-step Ho'oponopono.

I really hope that Morrnah's original Ho'oponopono-process regains fame among the people.

Bevore i learned Morrnah's Ho'oponopono, i have practiced the Mantra with the 4 pharses over 1 year. It was wasted time.

I was very frustrated when I received the information that this mantra is not Ho'oponopono. I can only say, steer clear of this mantra and of Dr. Hew Lens cleaning tools! It is very important for me that all people get correct information about Morrnah Simeona, her teachings and about Morrnah's 14-step Ho'oponopono.

I have known Morrnah's Ho'oponopono for several years (since 2012). So many things in my life have changed positively trough Morrnah's Ho'oponopono.

I'm sure if you know Morrnah's Ho'oponopono, you will not practice the mantra again. Of course, everyone has to decide for themselves. But the people should be informed correctly about Ho'oponopono, Morrnah Simeona and Morrnah's Ho'oponopono. That is owed to the people. What Dr. Hew Len did is not fair in my opinion- And what his followers do today.

Pam, I can tell you, Morrnah's Ho'oponopono and Morrnah's original teachings is very interesting. Especially for someone who is interested in ho'oponopono. But where do you get the original teachings of Morrnah?
The original teachings are still exists today. But not everywhere. I can give you some links that I know. The websites are from people who were Morrnah's students and still teach Morrnah's Ho'oponopono today. This people work together with Pacifica Seminars in germany:


a correct biography about Morrnah:

An article by Anna Kligert about Morrnah's Ho'oponopono and her experiences with Morrnah's Ho'oponopono. She has been using Morrnah's Ho'oponopono for over 20 years:

Some articles about Morrnah Simeona and about Morrnah's Ho'oponopono.

and of course the website of Pacifica Seminars (www.pacificaseminars.de) ;-)

Be careful when searching for information about Morrnah Simeona and about her original Ho'oponopono on the Internet. Many websites have wrong information about Ho'oponopono and about Morrnah Simeona.

It is very sad that the teachings of Morrnah and her Ho'oponopono-process were falsified by Dr. Hew Len (or by another persons- i do not know exactly.).

The Peace of "I" be with you.

Patrice Coni
Pam Pappas MD said…
Hello Patrice,

Thank you for your comments, and all the information and links. They may be of interest to others who are also involved in these practices.

In what I have experienced of Dr. Hew Len, he has never been one to "falsify" anything. I am sure that Morrnah taught him well in his meditation practices, and the use of various Ho'oponopono processes too. How Ho'oponopono might continue to evolve through such continued devotion (as it did through Morrnah herself) is anyone's guess. I would hope there could be some conversation and resolution between those concerned.

In the end though, each of us is left with ourselves, and with Divinity. I continue to clean with all of this -- and let it go.

Peace begins with me,

Ludmila said…
Hello Pam,
I read your explanation and I really liked it. Really this conflict is sad, I also made contact with Michael from seminarspacifica ...
I was practicing hooponopono as Dr. Len did, but now all this has led to great doubts about practice. The simeona modified, Dr. Len also, all the practices of cures are modifying, perfecting with time ... And they accompany the family constellations, before they were made gestures and dialogues, today and just look at you, without saying anything, because the energy knows what it needs to release ...
I wish I could use hooponopono without infusing any culture, in a correct and perfect way to heal myself and connect with divinity.
Hooponopono is a path of healing, the tradition must be respected, and because not passed to all who have sought it with sincerity and love, for own healing or help so many who need a breath! All knowledge comes from God, there are no owners, everything was given as tools to help humanity!
But I was saddened by this controversy!
I would like to make the hooponopono effective for my life and without offending anyone!

Pam Pappas MD said…
Dear Ludmila,

Thank you for your comments, which make good sense. In each of our private practices, there is no conflict -- because as you say "all knowledge comes from God, there are no owners," etc.

Unfortunately at the level of human tribes, nationalities, cultures, organizations, and legalities though, there IS controversy.

Let them have at it, as they are working out their own eons of conflict with each other.

On our own human level though, each of us has to do as we are internally guided. As one of my colleagues once said to me, "That [the conflict at hand] is above my pay grade." :-D

I don't see why you can't personally use Ho'oponopono "in a correct and perfect way to heal myself and connect with divinity." I hope you do, because when we each do this, we end up helping each other heal too.

Peace to you, your family, relatives, and ancestors,
Anonymous said…
Hi Pamela,

I see you love ho'oponopono. You write about Morrnah Simeona and about her original ho'oponopono process and about faux'oponopono.

I would like to tell you that there is a home course by Pacifica Seminars, were you can get and learn the original ho'oponopono-processes of Morrnah Simeona!
Here is the link:

I've been using Morrnah's ho'oponopono of 14 steps for 8 years! The experiences could tell books.

May all people learn Morrnah's ho'oponopono who want it - and who have problems and want to help themselves! May this home course reach everyone who wants it.

Anonymous said…
Hi Pamela,

I see you love ho'oponopono. You write about Morrnah Simeona and about her original ho'oponopono process and about faux'oponopono.

I would like to tell you that there is a home course by Pacifica Seminars, were you can get and learn the original ho'oponopono-processes of Morrnah Simeona!
Here is the link:

I've been using Morrnah's ho'oponopono of 14 steps for 8 years! The experiences could tell books.

May all people learn Morrnah's ho'oponopono who want it - and who have problems and want to help themselves! May this home course reach everyone who wants it.

Regardless of whatever be like the way of Dr Hew Len or Joe Vitale be, at least, we knew about this clearing technique. Any time you try to look for Dr Hew Len you will be introduced to Morrnah. If anything, Joe Vitale brought us all to teachings of Morrnah aand Dr Hew Len was just a medium.
Pam Pappas MD said…
Dear Shrikanya Ghatak,

Thank you for your comment.

I think it's important here to realize that Dr. Hew Len spent 10+ years learning from and facilitating alongside Morrnah, who acknowledged that her "updated" form of Ho'oponopono was a departure from its traditional use. In her meditations she had received many symbols and connections with the Christian faith, which had not been part of ancient Hawaiian Ho'oponopono. Some suggest that she was trying to make Ho'oponopono more accessible for modern (non-Hawaiian) people, because she saw how much the world situation called for each person to "make things right" within. She hoped this would help address much of the world conflict and suffering she encountered.

Traditionally, Ho'oponopono had been a way of processing disagreements and hurt in Hawaiian families and larger communities. It required people to be physically present so that all could participate -- AND so that personal apology and restitution could be made. Through this work, the equilibrium, strength, and sustainability of each group could be restored. Some have taken issue with Morrnah's assertions that a full Ho'oponopono process could be done without this group participation. These differences matter, when we are trying to understand people's responses.

Joe Vitale did not come along until quite a bit after this, despite his excellent abilities in marketing and internet communication. With these skills, he certainly deserves credit for making many more people aware of Ho'oponopono than otherwise might have been -- but the actual body of work that he put forward was that of Dr. Hew Len and Morrnah. In this, Dr. Hew Len seems to me a great deal more than "just a medium." ;-)

With Aloha,

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