Thank You to Inner Children, All Over the World

6 months old, and being cared for :-) The practice of Ho'oponopono is a deep one -- and if done consistently, it changes us. It brings us to a place beyond words, where infinite peace and forgiveness dwell. That, and laughter too. :-) One of the most rewarding ways to practice Ho'oponopono is through caring for our own Inner Child -- our subconscious, or Unihipili. Dr. Ihealakala Hew Len teaches that our relationship with our Inner Child is the most important relationship in all creation. After all, our Inner Child not only runs our body, but also stores all memories that have accumulated in us through time (including unconscious ones). When cared for, this Inner Child is a source of creativity and delight; when ignored, its pain shows up in myriad ways. Many of us forget that such a part even lives inside us. We're adults who drive ourselves mercilessly with work, responsibilities, and schedules; when mistakes happen, we lacerate ours...