You Can Lead a Horse to Blue Solar Water, But Can You Make Him Drink?
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." -English idiom Sometimes cartoonists say the darndest things. Patrick McDonnell, creator of the comic strip "Mutts" above, really hits home for me . . . and maybe all of us at some level. But as a case in point, let's take doctors. We work with patients -- educating, helping, treating, prescribing, sometimes operating on, and doing all kinds of other procedures too. Sometimes the patient accepts the prescription, suggestion, recommendation, or diagnostic test. Many times -- at least 50% or more in some sources -- they don't. We wonder, why would a patient spend time and money to see us, and then not follow through with suggestions they receive? There are papers galore examining this question . . . but that's not the miracle in the comic above. The miracle is that the "horse" drinks at all -- even if it's Blue Solar Water . And that in the cartoon, Mo...