Messages from the Yei-Be-Chei to the Rest of Us: What Are We Creating with Our Precious Breath of Life?

This is a painting by Navajo ( Diné) artist David K. John , called "Emergence Song." Not many paint female deities, but he created this one in honor of his mother, who had passed away not long before (2017). Many of his paintings represent Yei-Be-Chei, sacred spiritual messengers of the Diné. His great grandfather was a medicine man, who instilled strong spiritual beliefs and practices while raising him. David grew up attending and participating in many healing events, from seasonal rituals to sand painting. The most revered members of his culture instructed him, as he grew. His work has always held me spellbound, and this image especially touched my heart. A peaceful yet powerful quality exudes from it. He often shows his Yei-Be-Chei with the breath of life coming from their mouths. These are holy people who were here before humans -- and in Diné culture, they created everything in the universe. So, these are creation images. In ceremonies today, peo...