Taking 100% responsibility in Ho'oponopono: the very best way to get help

One of the main tenets in Ho'oponopono is taking 100% responsibility for everything that shows up in our lives. Yes, everything. By nature, we balk at this -- it sounds so overwhelming! After all, how can we be personally responsible for earthquakes, tsunamis, atrocities of war, or for other countries' starving children? What about African elephants being killed, just for their ivory? What about people who lie and steal from us -- and lovers who abuse, have affairs, or leave us? You get the picture. Think of the most recent outrage in your life, and just fill in the blank. One reason the idea of 100% responsibility seems overwhelming is a follow up question: If I'm responsible for everything, does that mean I have to fix everything? All by myself? No, it doesn't . . . . but as Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len often asks, "Have you noticed that whenever there's a problem, you are always there?" :-) He's not really saying that we directly did anything to ...