Ho'oponopono: A Chance to Un-do Our Collective Karmic Stew

Timothy Freke's book, Shamanic Wisdomkeepers , contains a very valuable interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. In it he discusses Hawaiian tradition and ways of understanding the world. Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian process of repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation that allows us to relate directly with the Light, or Divinity, that created us. No clergy, gurus, or other intermediaries are required. In one sense, this gives us great power to solve (or release) our own seeming problems, since it's all between us and Divinity anyway. At the same time, all of us are interconnected -- and we share a collective stew of "stuff". So although we can take 100% responsibility for our perceptions and experiences and work with Divinity to clear our erroneous memories, we also profoundly affect each other. What about these erroneous memories? How do they arise? "For the Hawaiians it's very simple," explains Dr. Hew Len. "In the beginning you were cr...