Ho'oponopono Cleaning: How Does Your Garden Grow?
~Luther Burbank, horticulturalist (1849 - 1926)
Although many places still have snow, it's spring here in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. Our currently blooming wildflowers -- such as penstemon, chuparosa, fairy duster, lupine, and creosote -- are delighting all the hummingbirds, insects, and humans who live here.
The double yellow hibiscus above is not a native Arizona wildflower, but happens to be a Ho'oponopono cleaning tool. Growing this plant, looking at its photo, or simply thinking of it invokes the Ho'oponopono cleaning process in a simple and lovely way. Seeing it makes me smile.
The double yellow hibiscus is said to represent God consciousness, and the spiritual essence of gold. What a perfect tool when people are fearful about their wealth, and ability to support themselves and their families!
As the plant blooms, its flowers are to be allowed to fall to the ground where they can sustain and enliven Mother Earth.
How many of us think that way, these days? Do we hoard what we have, or circulate it freely? Do we even think of nourishing the earth on which we all depend?
If you're a gardener, you might. Nature teaches many things through such partnerships.
Today I took lessons in my yard -- hoeing, weeding, and conversing with the hummingbirds who darted all around me. I was gently trimming the red pineapple sage they love so much; the birds seemed to approve. The trimming makes for more flowers, sweet and succulent for their enjoyment.
While working, I blessed the plants with "ice blue" (a good tool for soothing. It helps for humans too.) Then I worked in a combination of fresh soil and compost, all the better to grow with.
Also it was time to plant tomatoes, peppers, dill, and more lettuce. But first, surprises greeted me: new volunteers of basil and lemon balm peeped up from the soil! Nature has been busy; the spirit of Life springs forth when we're not even looking -- or trying to control things.
This is a timely lesson for me.
Perhaps the act of planting is truly an act of faith. Do we really trust that our tomatoes will know what to do when we put them in the ground? Or, do we need to keep pulling them up to see if they're growing roots yet?
Do we need to keep our gardens spotless, or can the compost of life really nourish more growth? Can we simply accept what is, and make use of it? Can we be grateful for what shows up, even if it seems in the "wrong" place?
So many possibilities, in a little planting bed . . . it's like Ho'oponopono in action for me. My hands love working the soil, and I love feeling and smelling the plants. My heart needs to feel God's presence; thank heavens this comes in so many ways.
Double Yellow Hibiscus seems the embodiment of trust and renewal to me. Early Girl tomatoes just might work too. :-)
Peace Begins with Me,
Peace of I,