Ho'oponopono Cleaning: Which Tool For You?

Many people think that in order to do Ho'oponopono properly, we must direct our cleaning efforts towards particular problems that arise in our lives.  Examples might be traffic jams, financial crises, health issues, or arguments with family members.

I used to think this too.  Thus, I wanted to know specifically how to "clean" with whatever problem was happening, when it was happening.   What particular process or tool should be used for each?

More importantly, I wanted to know exactly "what" I was cleaning with at any particular time -- in order to pick the right tool, of course.  And if I was doing it well enough, the problem should clear up, right?  :-)

I must have thought my intellectual mind was in charge of things, even though I had many times read Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len's article, "Who's in Charge?". From that article:
"Memories replaying dictate what the Subconscious Mind experiences.

The Subconscious Mind experiences vicariously, mimicking, echoing memories replaying. It behaves, sees, feels, and decides exactly as memories dictate. The Conscious Mind too operates, without its awareness, by memories replaying. They dictate what it experiences as research studies show . . . . . The Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind, comprising the Soul, do not generate their own ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions. As noted before, they experience vicariously, through memories replaying and Inspirations."
This means that the thoughts we're "thinking" aren't coming from us; they're either old memories replaying, or Divine Inspiration.  We don't know which, at any particular time.  But, I know which one I'd rather have directing me! 

Depending on how you look at it, this makes life either extremely disconcerting, or extremely freeing.

If we never know which thoughts are which, how do we know what to do? How do we know when to use strawberry, "I love you," or "light switch," with a given situation? 

Also, this arrangement means that we may not be cleaning with what we THINK we're cleaning with, at any particular time.  Layers upon layers of complexity, and eons of added "stuff," are going on behind the screen we're focusing upon.  Divinity knows, of course, and we don't.

We could get really obsessive and upset about all this.  But the more freeing alternative is simply to recognize we don't know -- and clean no matter what shows up.  We can ask Divinity for "how," and do it.  

"I love you" is elegantly simple for this purpose -- or anything we're guided to do.  The choice we're making says it all.

If we work with this idea, then whoever or whatever appears in our lives is there to be released -- whether we'd objectively call it a "problem" or not.  

After all, as Dr. Hew Len is fond of saying: "A problem is only a problem if we say it is."  Maybe these events, experiences, interactions, etc, are just opportunities to make amends.

The other part that's freeing about this, is not having to worry so much about all those Ho'oponopono cleaning tools and what they're "supposed" to do.  Yes, we receive a whole manual of them in Ho'oponopono trainings.  They each have their history, and might appeal at different times. It's wonderful to have choices that bypass the conscious mind. 

But the bottom line is that in choosing to use any of them, we're allowing Divinity's help rather than persisting on our own!

Blueberry, Strawberry, Gingersnap, Candy Cane, Thank You, Hawaii . . . . all are simply ways to begin the process.  And this can go on no matter what happens. Constantly.  I believe it starts with intention, and re-deciding 10,000 times a day or more, perhaps.  It's a pathway to freedom from entanglement in whatever has gone before.

Peace is the result -- the peace that passes understanding.  

A rare opportunity to listen to Dr. Hew Len and Kamaile Rafaelovich talking about "Being in the Right Place" is coming in a teleseminar this week:  8/30/12 at 12 noon Hawaii time.  This is an MsKr Conversation -- and if desired, you can register here:  MsKr Conversation 047 

I have really enjoyed previous conversations, and plan to listen in with this one too.   If inspired, please come -- and bring your strawberries, blueberries, or other cleaning tools of choice.  Most of all, bring your open heart.

Peace begins with me,


Miao said…
Aloha! wow...yeah that is exactly how i felt for while. I have gotten several tools through MSKR, and a lot of them don't have specific functions toward certain memories. So my intellect tries to find the perfect tool for certain type of memories. I guess it takes a lot of practices to eventually get to the right tool and cleaning process. Also about strawberries and blueberries, i recently bought a mixed berry jam jar which contains both of the fruit preserves, yet it has also gotten blackberries and raspberries in them..Do you think it would work the same as eating fresh berries or pure berry jam? Thanks!
Miao said…
Aloha! wow...yeah that is exactly how i felt for while. I have gotten several tools through MSKR, and a lot of them don't have specific functions toward certain memories. So my intellect tries to find the perfect tool for certain type of memories. I guess it takes a lot of practices to eventually get to the right tool and cleaning process. Also about strawberries and blueberries, i recently bought a mixed berry jam jar which contains both of the fruit preserves, yet it has also gotten blackberries and raspberries in them..Do you think it would work the same as eating fresh berries or pure berry jam? Thanks!
Unknown said…
Just a funny add comment. I am new to this practice. Yesterday I opened a cardboard box of old stored coffee mugs which had been packed for some years. Inside were some candy canes that someone had given me years ago and I had thrown in the box whilst packing them up. I had just heard Dr, Lew mention Candy canes on a you tube video. Also my landlady asked me if I wanted the tub of Vanilla Ice cream she was making room in her freezer for another flavor. No big deal but both together in one evening. I would like to believe these are from my SC mind to clean on. Maybe maybe not.

Pam Pappas MD said…
Thank you for your comment, Colin. Our Unihipili has all kinds of ways to communicate with us, and we have all kinds of ways to participate. Candy canes can help us with missed opportunities to clean, and vanilla ice cream brings peace in our lives. As Dr. Hew Len is fond of saying, just a molecule will do. :-)

Maheen said…
I want to say thanks to you. I have bookmark your site for future updates. spin mop and bucket

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