
Showing posts from July, 2010

Ho'oponopono, Life Transitions, and Sewage Trucks

There has been a death in my family, and I have been spending time with my father.  His wife (my stepmother) has been ill for a long time -- but died in Hospice very recently.   It has been a difficult process for both of them, and for the rest of the family too.  Evolution is sometimes like that.  Even the beautiful, flowering lotus pictured above is known to grow from mucky origins. All along, I had been asking Divinity how to best to clean.  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len had also been kind enough to share a cleaning tool with me -- which I have used liberally.  It has given me great peace. For the first few days after his wife of 45 years died, my father wanted no one to come.   After all, she wanted no memorial, and he didn't think he needed any help.  I spoke with him daily on the phone, and although he called himself "lachrymose," he insisted he was fine.  Despite Ho'oponopono I had struggled with this, not knowing what was corr...

Just What are We Cleaning, Again, When Practicing Ho'oponopono?

The other day I received some alarming evidence of my own lack of clarity. It came in a friendly email, for which I am grateful. But the author went on to show me how I had apparently been unclear in my blog posts, or he would never have written me. After cleaning by myself for some time, I felt inspired to ask several other Ho'oponopono colleagues to join me. They graciously did. What had happened? The friendly person invited me to join his newly formed web site which cleans on behalf of its members, who pay a monthly fee for this service. He explained: "I teach and practice [a type of energy therapy] and Ho’oponopono. A couple of weeks ago my partner was watching Hew Len and got the idea that we should start a private members site to clean on behalf of the membership . It has been profound for us and our members. You have probably heard Dr Len talk about the gift of Ho’oponopono to “therapists”. People are attracted to your services because you are cleaning and ...