
Showing posts from 2014

Ho'oponopono Cleaning with Our Inner Children -- and with the Children of Ebola

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is leaving thousands of children orphaned, without help. Today I was fortunate to be part of an MsKr Ho'oponopono Conversation about  Care of the Self -- with many participants, including Kamaile Rafaelovich and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len .  Today's specific topic was : "How does the Care of the Self (unihipili) through SITH® affect the physical body?" For those who haven't previously taken Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes , the unihipili is that part of the Self which is subconscious.  It's like a small child needing love, concern, and gentle guidance from a caring parent. It's also the part of our Identity which runs all physical processes in our bodies, and which holds all the memories our soul has collected through eternity.  These memories (or data) can show up as "problems" in our lives -- repeating over and over like an endless loop.  Until we choose to let them go through Ho'opono...

Growing Ho'oponopono in My Life: With Love for the Gardener

This beautiful double hibiscus graces my patio -- cared for lovingly, moment by moment. Last weekend I enjoyed a Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono seminar in Woodland Hills, CA -- led by the lovely Momilani Ramstrum and Christine Leimakamae Chu .  No matter how many of these trainings I attend, something more always shows up. There's an outline of essential information, yet each instructor has his or her own way of conveying it.  Momilani mentioned that she responds to inspiration in each class as much as possible, since groups differ in personalities, focus, and patience. I appreciate the individualization. "I want you to experience the Divine for yourself," Momilani said. "I'm not really teaching you anything. I'm doing the cleaning. Most of all I don't want to say anything that gets in your way." This attitude differs from what some might expect in a teacher. How can a teacher "get in the way"?  There are thousands...

Ho'oponopono: What Are We Cleaning? Lessons from Morrnah and the River Iao

The Iao River on Maui, whose Iao Valley was the scene of the battle of Kepaniwai ("damming of the waters") in 1790. So many warriors died that the river was jammed with their bodies.  Today the river runs clean and free -- and is still a very sacred place. Someone asked me the other day what Ho'oponopono is about, and what we are "cleaning" when practicing this process.  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the Kahuna Lapa'au who was inspired in meditation to simplify Ho'oponopono for modern times, provided one of the best answers to this I've ever read.  Ho'oponopono literally means "to correct an error," or "to make right."  But what kind of errors are we talking about, and what is there to make right? Morrnah explained : " We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully...

Ho'oponopono Cleaning: When is a Blueberry More Than a Blueberry?

One question people often ask about Ho'oponopono, is "What is a Ho'oponopono cleaning tool?  What does this mean, and are there more than one?" Ho'oponopono is a spiritual practice and way of life.  It incorporates an attitude of 100% responsibility, humility, and gratitude in every moment.  It's a process of making things right, or "pono."   The idea is that Divinity created us in perfect alignment and rhythm with Itself, and our true nature is this state of "zero."  At zero we can feel peace and receive divine inspiration, which guides us.  When we then take inspired action, what's right and perfect for us comes into our lives.  Unfortunately we also hold unconscious memories (or data) inside us -- blocking our awareness of our true selves. These memories can also show up in our lives as problems, discord, fear, illness, war, and other unpleasant experiences. Ho'oponopono is a method of solving these problems by recogni...

Taking 100% responsibility in Ho'oponopono: the very best way to get help

One of the main tenets in Ho'oponopono is taking 100% responsibility for everything that shows up in our lives. Yes, everything. By nature, we balk at this -- it sounds so overwhelming! After all, how can we be personally responsible for earthquakes, tsunamis, atrocities of war, or for other countries' starving children?  What about African elephants being killed, just for their ivory?  What about people who lie and steal from us -- and lovers who abuse, have affairs, or leave us? You get the picture.  Think of the most recent outrage in your life, and just fill in the blank. One reason the idea of 100% responsibility seems overwhelming is a follow up question: If I'm responsible for everything, does that mean I have to fix everything?  All by myself? No, it doesn't . . . . but as Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len often asks, "Have you noticed that whenever there's a problem, you are always there?"  :-) He's not really saying that we directly did anything to ...

From human suffering to divine peace, through Ho'oponopono

Many have written me asking for proof that Ho'oponopono "works."  Maybe they're looking for controlled, double-blind studies that do not exist; maybe they're just seeking hope that something they choose to do can truly improve their lives. I've been practicing Ho'oponopono now for almost 10 years, and have experienced both times of peace and inner turmoil with it. Fortunately my teacher Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len has always been a timely example and guide. He has laughed, cajoled, goaded, offered useful metaphors, and held compassion during my journey.   This past week something happened that I can only attribute to Ho'oponopono -- being willing to clean even though seeing no outward "results."  I want to share about this here, because it's extremely meaningful to me.  It may also provide some hope for you, if wondering about outward effects of this practice. Yet I also want to protect the other person's privacy.  I lost a profoundl...