Ho'oponopono Cleaning with Our Inner Children -- and with the Children of Ebola

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is leaving thousands of children orphaned, without help. Today I was fortunate to be part of an MsKr Ho'oponopono Conversation about Care of the Self -- with many participants, including Kamaile Rafaelovich and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len . Today's specific topic was : "How does the Care of the Self (unihipili) through SITH® affect the physical body?" For those who haven't previously taken Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes , the unihipili is that part of the Self which is subconscious. It's like a small child needing love, concern, and gentle guidance from a caring parent. It's also the part of our Identity which runs all physical processes in our bodies, and which holds all the memories our soul has collected through eternity. These memories (or data) can show up as "problems" in our lives -- repeating over and over like an endless loop. Until we choose to let them go through Ho'opono...