
Showing posts from November, 2010

An Open-Hearted "Thank You" Package, Wrapped in Pink with a Bow

  "Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do." ~ Rumi There are many ways to say "thank you".   Shown here in her pink finery is 7-month old Sienna Hoagland , who recently received a precious gift at St. Joseph's Hospital here in Phoenix: a new heart, just in time for Thanksgiving. Holding her is her mother Stephanie Provencio, and Dr. Stephen Pophal is in eye-and-finger lock.  St. Joseph's pediatric heart transplant program only started this year . . . and Sienna received its first successful transplant.  The gift was possible because of a selfless decision by parents in another state. Born with a cardiomyopathy, Sienna needed a pacemaker because her heart would only beat 50 times a minute -- far from the more normal 120 in babies like her.  Unfortunately,  pacemakers did not work as hoped. Sienna would not be alive today without the donated heart; it is rare for such a tiny organ to be made available. See how Sienna gazes at Dr. Popha...