Ho'oponopono Cleaning: An Easier Way to Clarity and Peace

One of Ho'oponopono's main teachings is that when we clean, the right and perfect thing comes for us and everyone else.   

Yet when the seemingly "wrong" thing lands on our doorstep, this can be hard to accept.  Our human minds insist on logic -- linear cause and effect.  We forget that healing might be a journey or a process.  If Ho'oponopono "works", we think our lives should always be easy.

I'm coming to realize that "easy" does not mean without challenge.  Instead, "easy" relates more to our own attitude and perceptions than it does to outer circumstances.

In the last 6 weeks or so, I've been dealing with a painful situation concerning my office.  I won't disclose all the details.  Just know things were distressing enough to make me want to move.

What's surprising is that I didn't completely melt down and give up.  I continued Ho'oponopono cleaning throughout this time, even with all the anger, fear, and hurt that arose.   It definitely wasn't "easy." 

Some nights, I couldn't sleep.  I would wake up at 2-3 a.m., and end up reading Mabel Katz's The Easiest Way.   This book is always on my bedside, along with my Ho'oponopono tools and training manuals.  Reading Mabel's stories gave me a feeling of companionship, when I was otherwise feeling alone.  Reading Morrnah's meditations and the words of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len did the same.

I cleaned while consulting attorneys, searching for new office space, and meeting and speaking with all the other practitioners involved.   I cleaned while terminating the old lease and negotiating a new one.  Then came the tasks of finding movers, changing phone service, creating messages for my patients, packing, and . . . well, you get the picture.

I noticed that I could focus on what needed to be done, rather than feeling embroiled in personal drama.  My previous way (not the "easiest" one!) would have been trying to figure out "why" this was happening . . . which would drain my energy and distract from the things I actually could do.  

This time, I could simply notice what was taking place, clean, and act as inspired.  I've often been puzzled when hearing Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len say that when you're inspired, you just "do" -- without wondering whether it's the right decision or not.  There are other decisions I've agonized over, trying to ferret out every possible eventuality before moving ahead.   But with the cleaning this time, that didn't happen.  Also, the right people to help me, showed up.  

Of course there were and are still times of tension and stress.  I clean with these as they arrive.   Also I was and am wearing my Ho'oponopono "embracer" which keeps reminding me to say "thank you" and "I love you," no matter what comes.

I don't know "why" any of this happened -- but Divinity does.  I can only guess that I was there to clean, and then was done in that particular situation.  But I don't really know.

Dr. Hew Len tells a similarly sudden story about resigning from his part-time job at Hawaii State Hospital.  After he'd been working there for several years, Morrnah told him he was done there.  He knew she surely did her cleaning, just as he did.  "And so, I ended it.  I didn't even attend the going away party the staff gave me," he said.  I'm sure there must have been some details to clean up, but the decision to move on came clearly.

Some would say events don't happen TO you, they happen FOR you (to grow).  I can say that through Ho'oponopono, my attitude towards "what happens" has shifted profoundly over the last several years.  In fact, these recent events provided an acid test!  :-)  Even so, my feeling was simply to let go of what wasn't working, while caring enough for myself and my patients to find something better.  Without the need to blame or fight with anybody. 

What happened as a result, you wonder?  

Well, my office is now in a stable, calming, beautiful place, shared with several other like-minded practitioners.   The office is called "Optimal You," and embodies the idea that mental health is much more than absence of diagnosable illness.  It also includes a feeling of well-being, resilience to stress, healthy relationships, recognizing one’s own potential, ability to work joyfully and productively, and contributing to one’s community.  Experiencing (at least sometimes) a sense of spiritual peace is part of it too.  

It means a great deal to me to work with others who feel similarly, and who hold these ideals in their daily activities.  This provides a very healing environment for patients as well.  And it all gives me a feeling of hope, even in the midst of what appeared to be chaos.   

I believe Ho'oponopono cleaning has a lot to do with this outcome, even though I can't "prove" it.

Any suffering I experienced over the last several weeks had to do with my unwillingness or forgetting to let God help me.  When I did not choose to clean (and got upset instead), I suffered.  When I kept cleaning and did as inspired, the way seemed smooth -- not necessarily "easy," but doable.  After all, there were a lot of boxes to schlepp, and a whole office to reorganize on the other end!  One can experience poise and clarity, even when surrounded by cardboard boxes and furniture that doesn't yet know where it goes. 

The physical move is done now, and the doors are open once again.  I look forward to practicing and cleaning in this new space -- whoever and whatever  shows up.  And whenever I forget, I have my reminders.

Thank you dear Divinity, Morrnah, Dr. Hew Len, and Mabel, for showing me an easier way.

Peace begins with me


lilalila said…
Thank you for this...
lilalila said…
Thank you for this...

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