Letter to a Fellow Physician and Ho'oponopono Colleague

A fellow physician wrote in on a Ho'oponopono message board recently, commenting that patients never seen before were showing up in need of emergency treatment. S/he wondered how s/he could possibly be responsible for all this, since it seemed to be happening outside of his/her influence?

Moreover, how could s/he shift these emergent situations into healing ones?

I empathize, for sure. Daily medical work draws all kinds of people with all kinds of scary situations to us in our offices, clinics, hospitals, and emergency rooms. How can Ho'oponopono help with things like this, or even with something as big as health care reform?

I surely don't have all the answers, but I cleaned with the questions. Something is going on in me that my colleague has this pain, and these questions.

Then I responded on the same message board. After a little editing, I thought to share this here as well:

Dear Dr. X,

Your questions are good ones, and are reasonable for anyone who wants to see in the "outer" world, what we're doing in our inner one. Like you, I'm a physician who uses Ho'oponopono . . . but my focus is not to "change" anything. My focus, as I have learned from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, is to be with God. I know this may sound hokey to you, but it's true nevertheless.

The way I can be with God is to let go of whatever shared memories I carry that might be fogging things up, even though Divinity's light is always "on". When those memories are in the way, it makes it appear as if things in the present are less than "perfect" [like patients with problems, a health care system needing reform, or even my computer going dead].

I can acknowledge that I know nothing about what's going on with anyone, including myself. The drive-by shootings, health care reform, people with cancer, anxiety attacks, post-traumatic stress, automobile accidents -- I know nothing about any of that. God knows everything, though, because S/He created all of us.

Patients come to us when we have shared memories to clean. Why arrive in front of you, or me, or some other physician at a particular time? Of course they present for treatment, but they also bring opportunities to clean shared memories we'd be unaware of otherwise. Their presence is a gift, even though we might not know what to do with that sometimes.

So I can accept 100% responsibility for all that appears within my witnessing -- even though I don't know how it got there. I can recognize that some shared memory WITHIN ME -- which could be ages old, carried by generations, or even present in the land or building I share -- is resulting in what I now think I see.

I can apologize to Divinity within for being unconscious in that way, and ask for forgiveness. I can say to Divinity within, "I'm sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that my patient is in pain. Thank you for showing me that this is present in me, so I can let it go. I love you".

In short, I can "clean". There are all kinds of tools for that.

If I clean (rather than get wound up in the seeming mess), what's right and perfect [Inspiration] can come through for me and everybody else too. For me, this means that whatever work I do in medicine is likely to be more helpful than it would be if I tried to be "in charge" by myself (without cleaning or without Divinity's help). I can do and say no end of stupid things if I try to be in charge that way.

Believe me, I have more than ample evidence to support that claim.

I don't know why or how things are as they are, but I simply know that by cleaning, I am taking care of what's in me to do. In that context, I practice my art and my science the best I know how.

Others can do this also, if they wish -- no matter what kind of medicine they practice. We clean, and Divinity transmutes the trash in our memory banks -- as only Divinity can do. Inspiration can then come through.

I don't know how to measure "outcomes" with this process, but I keep doing it anyway. It gives my heart some peace while I do what is before me to do in each moment. We physicians are portals for suffering in the world, and have endless opportunities to practice Ho'oponopono while we practice medicine.

Good luck to you, and I'm so glad to have a colleague doing this along with me.

Peace of I to you,


Karriann Graf said…
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I have been following your blog since you first began earlier this year. I saw Dr. Len in LA last November and I found your blog shortly afterwards. You always do an awesoome job with explaining....your photos are the BEST!!! Thank You Pam!
Pam Pappas MD said…
Thanks Kariann,

Your kind words are much appreciated. My first post for this blog was on 7/12/08, though. It's hard to imagine over a year has passed already!

Peace of I,
T said…
Hi Pam, as always great way of wording it. You are right whenever something comes up in our life it's an opportunity to react or clean. I am constantly trying to remember to come from love instead of anger.

Thank you for your words of encouragement and congrats on your blog being over a year!

I love you

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