Ho'oponopono: Can You Hear Me Now?
"It's the memory that hears, not you. If I do my cleaning, Inspiration shows up."
~Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
Last weekend I had the good fortune to attend a Ho'oponopono training with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Dr. Kikikipa Kretzer in Los Angeles. Each time I attend, my experience is a little bit different, and I hear more.
One of the things I heard this time (which could have been said before, but I had missed it!), was Dr. Hew Len repeating the above about "hearing." We think we hear accurately, but we don't.
Our ears deliver air pressure changes and bone vibration, which is transformed into neurological impulses by our auditory nerves. Our brain receives and processes these. It matches these impulses with what it has already experienced before, checking to see if they signal danger or not. Perhaps it might be food, or a territorial threat. It interprets these impulses and passes them along to the rest of our body, accordingly.
Though it only takes milliseconds, interpretation is still involved -- and that makes all the difference. Because the basic impulses are processed through our memory-rich minds, we can distort whole interactions in those milliseconds, never realizing we're doing it. We can't help it, because it's the way we're engineered. Our brains/minds are built to compare and file things into some kind of order, so that our world makes sense to us.
Unfortunately, the "sense" created may be way, way off from the original message transmitted. Sometimes we can tell how sick we are, by the "sense" we create. In homeopathy, the more rigid it is, the more stuck (and ill) we are. Ho'oponopono sees this not as being "sick", but as simply being full of memories that throw us off course.
Regardless, the only way to deal with this situation, explained Dr. Hew Len patiently, is to take 100% responsibility for our memories (or our filing system, as I'm mentioning here), recognizing that it is flawed. As beings we are perfect. It's the memories, or data in us that gums up the works.
We can take 100% responsibility, and then can choose to clean. We can say to our Inner Child, "I'm sorry [for being unconscious, for the error in me]." If we befriend and care for our Inner Child (or Subsconscious), it can connect with our Superconscious, so that all 3 parts of us -- Conscious, Subconscious, and Superconscious -- are aligned. "Mother, Father, Child as One."
Then whatever memories might be ready for cleaning can be churned up from the Subconscious. We don't consciously know what they are. But our Superconscious, always in perfect harmony with Divinity, can receive and order these memories in the best way possible so that Divinity can do Its work -- forgiving and transmuting them into pure light. Zero. Then Divinity fills up the space with "Mana," or divine energy.
Not a bad exchange, I'd say. :-)
Perhaps we can better comprehend need for this with so-called "bad" memories -- the ones we judge as "toxic", painful, angering, etc. But someone in the group wanted to know if we need to clean with "good" memories too? Wouldn't these be okay to keep -- since they make us feel "good"?
"There's no such thing as a good memory," replied Dr. Hew Len. "You have to give up the world, even good memories. All of them take us back to another time -- we're not present."
"Only when we're nothing ["Zero"] can Inspiration show up," he went further. "No thought is contented. When the mind is in memory, it suffers, and the Subconscious (Inner Child) suffers."
I took notes, because I knew I wouldn't remember correctly. It's too much wisdom in a gulp. My mind wants to think it knows, but it doesn't. "You have to get clueless," he shared. Coming from a man who admits to having thousands of questions himself, this need for becoming clueless comes through even more powerfully for me.
Some people also wonder if there's any possible chance to get completely clean [of memories, etc]? "You've got to start," Dr. Hew Len replied, "or you will never be free. The process cannot start unless you begin."
Finally I feel it's not cleaning to get somewhere, or to "do" anything, but it's assuming my task without complaint. With dignity and peace, even -- at least for now. I'm glad I have my notes, memories though they be. They can remind me to start again. And again, and again, and again. I'm sure glad Divinity is patient with me.
Peace begins with me,
My name is Enrique Salazar Andrade, 40 years old, married with 3 beautiful children. I live in the city of Uruapan, Michoacan. Mexico. I've been practicing the ho'oponopono irregularly for a year and six months, and have felt the benefits of this, peace was maintained longer in my being and fears dissolve. About two months I found your blog "Ho'oponopono for the Doctor's Soul" and was a significant find for me (thanks for being in my reality) and took your notes and publish them in a Hispanic community called “Cusi Huasi " from NING.
Sample: http://cusihuasi.ning.com/profiles/blogs/en-vivo-desde-la-tierra-del?commentId=3538070:Comment:620716&xg_source=msg_com_blogpost.
The published do justice to your name and address, I just think a bridge between you and the other brothers and sisters who practice this technique Hawaiian. As you can see the responses of the people in your note "Talking Money" was the most talked about, because in Latin American economic crisis memories and feelings run deep poverty (Sorry, forgive me, I love you) and your grade was Many responses of all kinds. Thank you.
From the depths of my being I thank you for being here, thank you for your contributions and thank you for cleaning.
I would ask you to do something for me, could you show the Dr. Len my name and complete data to make myself clean?, do not know but I feel it is necessary to do so, sorry, I love you, thanks.
PAM thank you very much, I wish your cleaning path gives you more peace deep in your being. I am another you.
That the deity you smile more, you guide your hand and say your name with love.
I love you and thanks .... ALOHA!
Enrique Salazar Andrade
Thank you for your message, and for your cleaning. When practiced consistently, Ho'oponopono can truly transform our lives.
Dr. Hew Len will see your information. But I think he might also say that the best cleaning is between you and Divinity, who knows you better than anyone. :-)
Peace to you and your family, relatives, and ancestors,
Hi Pam! Always enjoy your blog, your posts are a valuable contribution to the literature on Ho'oponopono.
Re what Dr. Len said that we have to "get clueless" -- my own understanding is that we ARE clueless, and through Ho'oponopono, we can get inspired...?
Thank you for your comments. You're right that we ARE clueless, but most of us don't recognize how well this adjective describes us. :-) "We have to get clueless," refers to our need to change our attitudes from believing we know what's going on, to seeing that we know nothing at all. Otherwise we'll be obsessing and judging and opinionating our way into an endless loop of data. That's not the result we're hoping for.
Best wishes,