Ho'oponopono for Doctors, Nurses, Healers and Otherwise Misled Souls

One of the most challenging things about Ho'oponopono seems to be the temptation to try to "fix" or "heal" others with it.

After all, if it is such a powerful tool, why not use it? The world contains much suffering, and people want to offer relief.

Message boards abound with people offering to clean "for" each other, or proposing products and processes to try. All this assumes the other person is broken, and we have the right answer.

I remember Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len speaking about this very issue at a seminar one time. Someone was describing the problems of another, and asking how to use Ho'oponopono to help this individual. Dr. Hew Len zinged right to the point.

"People don't need YOU," he said. They need God. You want to get in the way of that?"

Right -- as if any of our "solutions" for others could be more correct and encompassing than Divinity's. Human arrogance shows up in so many disguises, one of which can be the urge to "fix" someone.

I wonder how many of us initially took Ho'oponopono trainings in order to learn how to practice it "on" others? We thought we'd use this as a new "tool" in our toolbox, and to know more right answers?

I'm laughing at myself, here. Also several years ago, I told a fellow health practitioner about Ho'oponopono. She asked a logical question: "What kind of healings come with that?" She really wanted to know, as her web site lists many types. Ho'oponopono could have been another bullet point.

But Ho'oponopono seems to uncouple, rather than intensify, the intellect's role in everyday life. Those of us who who like to think of ourselves as "smart" are shocked to find that our conscious intellects are not really calling the shots. Ho'oponopono shows us that all we think we "know" is simply erroneous data anyway.

So rather than offering us more ways to be clever, Ho'oponopono teaches that our best "shot" is to ask Divinity to transmute our own misinterpretations. These misinterpretations are the source of pain and suffering in the first place.

Of course this is easy to forget, since we're humans longing for appreciation. We seek this at every opportunity -- and "helping", "fixing", or "healing" others might seem to be a possibility.

So, what of being a doctor or other health practitioner? There's nothing wrong with caring for others, and practicing our science and art as best we can. But assuming that we always know best? I'm clear that we don't. Perhaps Ho'oponopono cleaning can help us get ourselves out of the way enough for the right things to come through.

In line with this, Health Ho'oponopono seminars are coming up in Colorado Springs, CO June 20-21, 2009 , and again on July 25-26, 2009. Dr. Kikikipa Kretzer in June, and she plus Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len in July, will combine the Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono Basic I and Health Concerns classes. Dr. Kretzer is Assistant Professor of Nursing at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, and has published research* on Ho'oponopono and hypertension. A recap of some of this can be found in an earlier blog post also.

Information from IZI LLC describes what Drs. Kretzer and Hew Len will share:

"By the end of the training, students will:

  • begin to know who they are and their purpose for existence
  • learn how to care for and protect Self
  • learn what a problem is and how to dissolve problems
  • learn to look only to Self and the Divine Creator for problem dissolving
  • begin to know and appreciate the Divine Creator
  • learn how to prevent illness and improve health
  • begin to experience LOVE and genuine health of Self beyond all understanding
  • begin immediate application of problem dissolving tools for health concerns for Self and as health providers."
I'll be at both. Repetition can be good for the soul, as long as it's about releasing -- rather than repeating -- memories. Hope to see some of you there!

Peace begins with me,


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