From Suffering to Amazement: Ho'oponopono and Homeopathy

"Humans suffer," reads a Ho'oponopono newsletter posting from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len a few months ago. He continues:

"They experience problems in the course of their everyday existence. These problems and suffering are experienced and are caused by memories replaying the past AGAIN in the computer of mind, the subconscious!"

Is this suffering so many of us go through, really necessary? Can it be interrupted, even relieved?

Pain and suffering, after all, are not the same. All of us experience pain at times -- think toothache, appendicitis, loved ones leaving or dying, etc. But suffering complicates this, and can last a lot longer. We suffer when we want what shows up in our lives to be different from what's actually present. Sometimes we even demand this -- which is a common path towards illness in some form.

As a psychiatrist and classical homeopath, I work with people to discover their personal requirements for a feeling of "okayness".

Some, for instance, can only feel okay when involved in a particular kind of relationship, or when receiving high praise for their work. Otherwise they feel anxious and depressed. The more rigid and restricted these internal (often unconscious) criteria are, the more we suffer -- and the less we can experience life in the present. Our struggles with "what is" can impact our life force enough to express as illness.

It's interesting to me also that "problems" are only defined by the person experiencing them. "A problem," says Dr. Hew Len, "is only a problem if YOU say it is." What one might view as horrendous, might be a mere inconvenience to another. Unconscious memories determine much of this as well . . . which means that memories, not us, are making these decisions!

In homeopathy, we don't examine as much "who did what to whom" as we seek to perceive the pattern of suffering that remains. Then we prescribe a remedy that is as similar as possible to this suffering, to stimulate the person's innate healing capacities accordingly.

Ho'oponopono and homeopathy seem to work very well together. Both see our "problems" and suffering as ultimately coming from similar sources: unconscious memories too complex to be completely fathomed. But we can certainly see their result, and go from there! Also, neither asks "why" things are the way they are, but works with what is.

Ho'oponopono also helps keep the doctor peaceful and aware enough to hear what the patient needs to tell.

With a helpful homeopathic remedy, one can experience both relief from presenting symptoms, and important changes in consciousness too. Peace and serenity become more the person's norm than anguish and suffering. In my own healing, I've experienced revived energy for dealing with things that really need attending to . . . rather than staying mired in overwhelm. I've noticed a major change in my outlook from Ho'oponopono too -- what I used to see as insurmountable "problems," are now more often just opportunities to clean.

Not that I never get upset! But the Ho'oponopono cleaning tools do seem to vaporize much angst before it becomes a major storm. This has amazed me many, many times.

Perhaps one day I'll be good enough with Ho'oponopono cleaning not to need a homeopathic remedy -- but for now, I'm very glad for both. :-)

Peace begins with me,


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