Ho'oponopono and money -- what to hold onto in a financial hurricane?

President Bush and the federal government are working out a $700 billion financial rescue package, in hopes of shoring things up. But hammering out details isn't easy.
The whole thing summons fear -- some kinds crashing through our lives like King Kong, while others linger like twining tendrils of unease the morning after a very bad dream. Depending on our need for financial security, we are vulnerable to all of this.Doubt that money and security are linked in any formal way? Consider the name of the organization in charge of protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation: the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. hmmmmm . . . .
Does Ho'oponopono offer any methods for dealing with situations like these, that generate such fear and INsecurity?
Fortunately, yes. I've learned a great deal from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len at live Foundation of I seminars, conference calls, and recorded CD's. I've also been participating with Mabel Katz's weekly teleseminars for well over a year now, including special series' on wealth, success, business, relationships, and other vital topics. She's currently running a special series titled: "The Easiest Way to Peaceful Relationships, Wealth, Success, and How to Take Good Care of Ourselves with Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono."
This last week I asked Mabel about Ho'oponopono and dealing with our nation's financial crisis. I was thinking about all the people who have lost their jobs or homes, have trouble paying for their basic needs, and who have lost retirement funds in the stock market recently. So many souls, and so much pain and angst.
Ho'oponopono sees the "problem" as our reactions and associations to events, rather than the events themselves. The idea is that once we clear ourselves of these reactions or memories, we can be open to inspiration from Divinity -- possibly about things to "do" in the situation.
There are certain cleaning tools that can help us with financial concerns, such as mentally placing the identity of money in a glass of orange juice whenever such worries arise. Dr. Hew Len described this in detail on the available CD and MP3 recording, Conference with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel Katz at the Love and Understanding Institute.
But what Mabel really emphasized in answering my question was not the particular "tool" used. Instead, she focused on the need for continuous cleaning: practicing Ho'oponopono with the fears and worries coming up with these financial situations I was asking about. Since I am the one asking, it is my responsibility to do the cleaning -- not waiting for anybody else to do it.
Mabel likened our current financial issues to a tornado or hurricane we are going through, on the way to something better coming in its place. She spoke of our need to hold onto something stable and "trust, trust, trust." For people practicing Ho'oponopono, this "something stable" is the practice itself.
Further, shared Mabel, we need to really concentrate on this practice ("the cleaning") no matter how things appear on the outside. "I am sure if we asked God, God would have a solution to all this. So, let's give permission to God, especially since this is a situation that brings so much fear and doubt. . . . don't get distracted or let appearances blow you away."
She commented that this is a very good opportunity to do the cleaning and to trust, "because, what else can we do?"
Good point. I can use my energy for the worst worries imaginable, or can hold onto practicing Ho'oponopono like one might to a sturdy tree in a hurricane.
Perhaps, suggested Mabel, what we're seeing might even have to do with "putting money first, and a lot of other things that have to be corrected. This is waking a lot of people up -- and sometimes it's the only way."
I don't know what's going on in the larger scheme of things. And I told Mabel that to my conscious mind, the whole thing seems much too big for my little cleaning to have any effect. "Each time you have those thoughts, you clean," she replied. "Don't go deeper into those thoughts. You are not small. You can make a big change in the world just by cleaning."
I cannot "see" the immediate results of any of this cleaning as others (such as Kamaile and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len) can. But I can at least deal with my individual "data" or reactions to what I see in the news and in my bank account. I am cleaning, and I join with many others hoping for the best as the storm eventually settles. And if anyone else is noticing reactions similar to mine, I'd be grateful for your help cleaning too.
Great post, on financial matters. I think we just all need to start cleaning and talking to our inner child. If we started cleaning on these memories of poverty, it would help erase them.
I live in Canada, so I don't think our economic situation is as bad, as the States, but if everyone took responsibility and started cleaning, it would help erase these money memories that seem to be hanging around.
I'm glad you read my blog and enjoy it.
Thanks for this post and the clarity of your explanation and your personal experience. I'm new to the work and I'm loving it!
I'm in the game to take complete responsiblity for my every thought, word and deed and everything that I see in others (and world events) that I think needs to be fixed - I clean in myself. This is the ticket and I love the tools. So simple and accessible to everyone.
Smile and Love to you for the work that you do!
Joyful Soul,
Millicent St. Claire!