Ho'oponopono and Alcoholism: Peace in Every Moment

Families can be challenging and loving all at the same time. We may practice ho'oponopono for many months or years with no seeming "results". Perplexing behavior patterns may appear as enduring as granite.
And then change can blow through in an instant.
For example, my family has dealt with alcoholism for many years -- just not openly or effectively. Long-suppressed forces erupted on Election Day, leading to hospitalization for one family member and hopefully recovery for all. It started with someone driving erratically, scaring people enough to call police . . . leading to eventual commitment for evaluation and treatment.
It was as if something in this person demanded to be heard, manifesting enough craziness for people to finally "do something". Alcoholism often induces learned helplessness in family members; it had in mine until we were up against a wall.
The scenario was wrenching, and yet I am grateful. I had nearly lost hope. We are working through the aftermath, and planning for the future.
In Ho'oponopono, we also learn that patients often show doctors what needs healing or "cleaning" in themselves. They come to our offices in distress, also giving us another chance to make things right. So I marveled yesterday as a patient shared about a mother who, after countless years of alcoholism and self-absorption, recently got into recovery on her own. She's attending AA, making amends -- all at exactly the right time. Not only was I glad for her and the hope this gave my patient; I was also grateful for the hope it gave me.
I'm attending to my patient's needs, and also saying "thank you" for mine. We're cleaning generations of family pain in every moment.
Peace Begins with Me,