Who do you think you are?

Dr. Hew Len often reminds us that the essence of Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono is knowing who we really are. Without this knowledge, we're sunk.
So it was especially interesting to receive an email from someone asking (among other questions and assertions), "Who are you anyway?"
Many of us have been asked similar questions, perhaps by parents or others disturbed by our behavior. The tone suggests we are impertinent and uppity somehow. This "Who do you think you are?" [to be doing/thinking/saying whatever we're doing, thinking or saying] is meant to shame or silence us.
Such questions also present wonderful opportunities to remember who we really are: spiritual beings created in the exact likeness of God. But as Dr. Hew Len relates, we are also often "spiritual beings talking [and thinking and doing!] trash."
According to Ho'oponopono, we are -- all of us! -- perfect in spirit; nothing lacking, nothing that needs to be "fixed". We also come in with memories, data, or "garbage" covering Divinity's light in us. Our life's work is to let this garbage go; as we do, we again experience the peaceful "zero" state in which we were created.
Being our Selves first -- getting back to "zero" -- is extremely important. Only then do we experience the presence of God. As Dr. Hew Len says in the book Zero Limits (pg 51):
"You cannot be denied anything that is perfect, whole, complete, and right for you when you are your Self first. Being your Self first you automatically experience perfection in the way of Divine Thoughts, Words, Deeds, and Actions. Allowing your toxic thoughts to be first, you automatically experience imperfection in the way of disease, confusion, resentment, depression, judgement, and poverty."
So being asked "Who are you anyway?" opened a door for me. It allowed me to remember the prayer I read every morning on waking, and at the start of each day in the office. Part of the Ho'oponopono manual distributed by the Foundation of I, it's also available on internet, and is read at the beginning of all Mabel Katz's teleconference calls:
"I" come forth from the void into light,
"I" am the breath that nurtures life,
"I" am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,
The "I", the Id, the All.
"I" draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
The continuum of minds with matters
"I" am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
The undefinable atom of creation.
"I" am the "I".
For me, this says it all -- and yet, it does not encompass all we are. By their very nature, words can only describe concepts in a limited fashion. They are not the thing itself. It's a good start, though . . . . and I am grateful that Morrnah, through her meditations, was able to write it.
May we all become ever more facile at remembering our Self-Identity, Who We Really Are.
Peace Begins with Me,
Your words have brought Much clarity and taken us all one giant step forward in answering this, our most important question..."Who Am I?"
I AM Grateful!
Thank you.
I love you.
Joanie Chappel
You wrote:
This blog focuses on Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono as taught by Morrnah Simeona, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Mabel Katz, and the Foundation of I. Though it especially reaches out to people in healing professions as they work with patients or clients, its information may interest others too.
Pam, please clarify "what" specifically reaches out to people in healing professions...and may interest "others" too. Are you talking about your blog or ho'oponopono. Because if it's ho'oponopono that you are writing about, you are completely wrong. I am 100 percent Hawaiian and my family has been practicing Ho'oponopono as far back as I can track in our ancestry. How dare you even imply this. This was a practice to "make things right" among families. I can see why someone wrote to you and asked "Who do you think you are". You need to think before you start writing down your opinions, or at least research what you are writing about. I am highly offended that you would even imply such a notion. I will clean on this, trust me.
Kalea (Sunny) Petersen (married name)
Thank you so much for your message, and I am very sorry to have offended you. I did not mean to offend anyone.
I have answered your message in my blog post of 11/25/08, titled "Cleaning, Apologies, and Clarity." I hope it better clarifies what I meant.
With gratitude,