Ho'oponopono Cleaning: Divine Inspiration in the Gulf

Many people wonder what "inspiration" really is, even though Ho'oponopono mentions it frequently. When we allow Divinity to transmute to zero whatever we're experiencing as problems, Divine Inspiration can supposedly come through. This may show up in all kinds of ways.

I've often asked Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len about this myself, wondering how -- in the course of Ho'oponopono cleaning -- we can "know" when we're inspired. After all, we might experience peaceful feelings, urges to call certain people, or some other thing. How to differentiate our own inner ego (conscious mind) talking, from the urges of Divine Inspiration? Dr. Hew Len has often answered, "If you have to ask whether you're inspired, you're not." :-)

It sounds glib, but it's really not.

There's a big difference between trying to obsessively plan out an idea that sounds good, and moving forward with something that arises naturally from within. The first example can be full of anxiety, anguish, and "what ifs". There might be procrastination and paralyzing fear.

The second kind of "idea" stirs from within -- and as it bubbles to the surface, first steps towards its realization show up. There is no hesitation, worrying, or endlessly asking "should I?" More steps appear, and we simply do them. Dr. Hew Len has talked about things you just "do" automatically. Work is definitely involved, but it doesn't feel burdensome like the first type can. And you don't have to know all the steps -- or even the final outcome -- to begin.

In this way, he reminds me of a Hawaiian Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try."

The brown pelican accompanying today's blog post was painted by an inspired 11-year-old girl, Olivia Bouler, from Long Island, New York. A bird lover and artist for many years, she was heartbroken when the recent BP oil spill polluted the Gulf of Mexico. She and her parents had often visited Orange Beach on the Alabama coast; Olivia learned about all the birds who live there. Long before the oil spill, she had already decided she wants to be an ornithologist. Pretty amazing for one so young.

Well, Olivia wanted to do something to help her feathered friends who were stuck in the oily mess. "A lot of people just want to sit there and say, 'Oh, it'll be fine, BP will do it,
" she said. "But that's not going to happen. BP made a huge mistake and I want to make up for that mistake."

So she started putting her talent to work: drawing pictures of birds that people might buy, and sending the donations to the National Audubon Society.

Things started out slow . . . but so far Olivia has created 150 bird paintings. The project quickly evolved into something much larger when AOL joined in the effort, giving Olivia her own AOL Artist page. If you donate to Audubon's Gulf oil spill cleanup efforts, you can receive one of Olivia's beautiful pieces. After she's drawn 500, donors will receive prints -- and she's well on her way.

Olivia and her paintings have raised $100,000 to help clean up oiled birds thus far. Who would ever have dreamed of this, starting out? She didn't think twice about it . . . she just did it. And she's still doing it. This evening she was even featured on Katie Couric's CBS News.

To me this is inspiration, and it touches my heart. It's also some major, major cleaning. Are YOU listening to your own inspirations, like Olivia did hers?

Thank you Olivia, for showing us your courage and your talent. And thank you for helping all our bird friends in your very special way.

Peace begins with me,


Anonymous said…
i really enjoyed reading the story of how this girl inspiration and touched my heart too. thank you
Unknown said…
Thank you! I was wondering about inspiration and action and how to tell the difference. Do i call security on my noisy banjo-playing neighbour, or not. I did, and of course security came too late and didn't hear him. I did it again the second day, and it happened again. I was ho'oponoponoing the whole time too, and saying I love you to my neighbour. I've given up on security, and will just keep cleaning....its all about me after all!

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